Dr. Amy Gutierrez is the Vice President and Chief Pharmacy Officer for UCHealth. She oversees pharmacy practice, strategy and policy across this large Colorado healthcare system. Dr. Gutierrez is passionate about leading strategies to improve medication access, outcomes, as well as leveraging the value of pharmacists to drive improved health.

Previously, she served as the Senior Vice President and Chief Pharmacy Officer for Kaiser Permanente’s national pharmacy program, where she led national strategies across all 8 US geographical regions. Dr. Gutierrez has also served as the Chief Pharmacy officer for the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services, the second largest public health system in the United States.

Dr. Gutierrez obtained her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Southern California School of Pharmacy. She is a California Healthcare Leadership Fellow and has completed the Executive Leadership program at Harvard University’s Business School.


Favorite Song and Artist:

“Patria y Vida” by Yotuel, Gente de Zona, Decemer Bueno, Maykel Osorbo and El Funky


Connect With Amy On:

LinkedIn: @amygutierrezpharmd/



Amy Gutierrez, Iqbal Atcha (Host), Audacity, Spotify for Podcasters, Headliner app